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Delivering on CSR commitments

10th August 2023

We all try to support our local community on a personal level and at Sulzer we encourage all of our staff to flag initiatives that will benefit from our help. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model where companies are more conscious of the impact they are having on wider society. This includes the environment, the economy and people within society.

Sulzer’s business is centered on local communities with products and services that support a wide range of industrial sectors from water treatment and power generation to infrastructure and manufacturing. Our global company footprint means we can reach a vast number of customers to support them in driving improvements in sustainability, energy efficiency and reliability. At the same time, we have a responsibility to our local communities and many of our staff are keen to support charities and local groups where they can.

Raising community spirit

Sulzer views involvement with our local communities as very important as it anchors our operations and helps to form long-lasting relationships. It also increases the engagement of our employees, helping to attract and retain vital staff. In the EMEA region, our service centers took part in a survey to gauge our involvement in our communities at a local level. The questions looked at energy initiatives and recycling, as well as community support and charity work.

When it comes to our local communities, many staff are playing their part, with donations to charities, litter clearing, donating blood, sponsored events, supporting food banks and aiding refugee charities. Our staff appreciate their position and want to help others less fortunate, especially children who need better facilities, such as clean water and school equipment.

Support for schools

One recent example comes from South Africa, where our service center helped to replace the roof of a school building and repaint the walls – the improvements have made a huge difference to the children, who can continue their education without disruption, even when it rains.

The initiatives carried out by our team in South Africa have also included supporting two charity organizations on Nelson Mandela Day with a golf event and food donations. On-going work in the community includes gifting equipment that is no longer in use from service centers to up-and-coming businesses as well as giving IT equipment to local schools.

Donating blood, sweat and food

Reflecting this spirit to help others, our service centers in the UK, Netherlands and Norway have made several donations to local food banks. More than half of our staff from the Nottingham Service Center also took part in a sponsored walk up Mount Snowdon, raising more than GBP 3’000 for two local charities.

Meanwhile, staff from Schkopau, Germany, are volunteering for the local fire brigade and employees in Morocco regularly participate in blood donations organized by the International University of Casablanca.

Driving positive change

These are just a few examples of the support our staff provide within their local communities. As the impact that a business can have goes beyond that of individuals, so companies will need to demonstrate their commitment and contributions to those around them. This includes the support they give to their employees, customers, suppliers, educational institutions and charities, among others.

Sulzer enables its staff to use the reach and resources of their organization to drive positive change for local communities. All of our collective efforts, from the products we design and manufacture to our research and development of sustainable processes as well as our work in the community, not only support our CSR goals, but those of our customers as well.

Image 1: Service centers across the UK, Netherlands and Norway have made several donations to local food banks

Image 2: Sulzer staff from Schkopau, Germany, participated in a competition with members of Bad Lauchstädt fire brigade

About Sulzer:

Sulzer is a global leader in fluid engineering and chemical processing applications. We specialize in energy-efficient pumping, agitation, mixing, separation, purification, crystallization and polymerization technologies for fluids of all types. Our solutions enable carbon emission reductions, development of polymers from biological sources, recycling of plastic waste and textiles, and efficient power storage. Our customers benefit from our commitment to innovation, performance and quality through our responsive network of 180 world-class manufacturing facilities and service centers across the globe. Sulzer has been headquartered in Winterthur, Switzerland, since 1834. In 2022, our 12’900 employees delivered revenues of CHF 3.2 billion. Our shares are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX: SUN).

Editorial Contact: Kiki Anderson

Tel: +44 (0)1905 917477



Address: Progress House, Midland Road, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR5 1AQ, United Kingdom

Reader Contact:

Sulzer: Simon Aspinall, Marketing Manager for Services, EMEA

Tel: +44 (0)1132 701244



Address: Sulzer Pumps (UK) Ltd. Manor Mill Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 8BR