Latest Optimal Industrial Automation Press Releases

Nutzen Sie Ihren Wirbelschichttrockner optimal?

2nd February 2024

Wenn es um die kontrollierte, schonende und homogene Trocknung von nassen Feststoffen geht, sind Wirbelschichttrockner in puncto Leistung und erreichter Qualität unübertroffen. Seit Langem sind diese Anlagen daher das Rückgrat vieler Produktionseinrichtungen in der Pharma-, Chemie- sowie der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie. 

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Vision systems advance quality control capabilities

16th January 2024

In the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, every pack of oral solid dosage (OSD) form and its content must be carefully inspected to guarantee that it meets quality standards and complies with regulatory requirements. While traditional control methods have considerable limitations, by adopting advanced vision inspection methods, manufacturers can transform blister pack inspections into an extremely accurate, precise and efficient operation. 

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Automation helps transform medical plastic waste into a reliable, economical resource

18th May 2023

Plastic can be found everywhere in medical and healthcare settings – in fact, we probably cannot imagine sanitary practices in the sector without it. Given that the material is so ubiquitous, it is no surprise that hospitals and other health centres generate large volumes of plastic waste. However, using data-driven chemical recycling strategies, this can be turned into a valuable resource, supporting circularity while potentially reducing costs.

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