Latest Burckhardt Compression Press Releases

Breathing new life into a CO2 compressor

19th June 2024

Routine maintenance often highlights items that need repairs, but discovering a major high-pressure asset is severely corroded has the potential to significantly impact operations. One crop nutrition company in Germany identified just such a problem and needed a new compressor cylinder to be installed at the next scheduled shutdown, just six months away.

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Meet Burckhardt Compression’s best in the field

21st March 2024

All great adventures start out on the road, and that’s certainly the case for Burckhardt Compression’s field services teams. The company has released a new YouTube video, Real Work for Real People, where we get to meet its dedicated compressor field service technicians and experience the challenges they face every day out in the field. 

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Making the most of the industrial metaverse

22nd February 2024

Modern industrial machinery is already benefitting from Industry 4.0 and digitalization with predictive maintenance solutions that can identify potential issues before they develop into unplanned downtime.

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